Friday, October 14, 2011

Adopting Team Foundation and Visual Studio for Application Lifecycle Management (Visual C++ 2011 Developer Preview)

Adopting Team Foundation and Visual Studio for Application Lifecycle Management (Visual C++ 2011 Developer Preview)

Adopting Team Foundation and Visual Studio for Application Lifecycle Management (Visual C++ 2011 Developer Preview)

Posted: 14 Oct 2011 02:00 PM PDT

This topic introduces a tutorial that follows members of a fictitious team as it incrementally adopts Visual Studio as its solution for application lifecycle management (ALM).

Here comes my Microsoft MVP (Silverlight) Certificate and Kit

Posted: 13 Oct 2011 05:12 PM PDT

Finally received my Microsoft MVP Certificate and Kit yesterday. The kit consists of the MVP ring for 2011, MVP pin and the MVP ID-Card. You might already know that, I have been awarded 2nd time as Microsoft Silverlight MVP. If you don't know about it...( read more )...(read more)

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